News in English     | 25.07.2024. 15:49 |

BiH Court issues second-instance judgment in Ranko Balaban et al. case for crimes against humanity

FENA Press release, Photo: Arhiva

SARAJEVO, July 25 (FENA) - The Appellate Division Panel of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has sent out an Appeals Judgment in the case of Ranko Balaban et al., dismissing as ill-founded the appeal filed by the BiH Prosecutor's Office as well as those filed by defense counsel for the accused Ranko Balaban, Rajko Karlica, Milenko Brčin, Mirko Odžić, Ratko Goronja, Nikola Reljić, Dragan Baltić, Ranko Baltić, Miroslav Kapetanović, and the appeal filed by the accused Ranko Balaban’s wife, so that the Trial Judgment of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina dated 22 November 2023 is upheld.


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