News in English     | 10.02.2023. 18:26 |

Sarajlić after the acquittal: The organization of the whole affair was somewhere else

FENA Muamer Selimbegovic, Photo: Amer Kajmović

SARAJEVO, February 10 (FENA) - Asim Sarajlić, a former official of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), today, after the acquittal in the Sarajevo Municipal Court (OSS), stated that it was clear "that the organization of the whole affair was somewhere else".

"Those who followed the trial could see the testimonies of Semir Efendić and Velid Tvrtković and see for themselves that, in fact, the organization was clearly on the other side of that whole affair. Muhamed Šehović was misled only to get to me through Sabahudin Delalić. I was the main target," stated Sarajlić.

He reminded that three years ago he resigned from all positions in the Party (SDA), and that the sanctions of the United States followed.

He added that he has not said a single word about the case and that today in the introductory words, he said "Let Pedro hang", alluding to the title of a song from the seventies, wondering if society is better after his resignation.

"Is society better off with the resignation of Asim Sarajlić and the end of this process? Are there some better guys now on the political scene? I assure you it is worse. What is being done today with trading in mandates and signatures and giving jobs, and employment to people at the state and other levels is much more dramatic and, unfortunately, the situation in society is much worse," asserted Sarajlić.

Today, the Sarajevo Municipal Court handed down the first-instance verdict by which Asim Sarajlić, Sabahudin Delalić and Muhamed Šehović were acquitted of the criminal offense of giving a gift and other forms of benefit.

(FENA) S. R.

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