News in English     | 01.04.2020. 19:52 |

The decision regarding Covid-19 testing is of a formal and legal nature

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, April 1 (FENA) - The new coronavirus was not on the infectious disease list in accordance with the law governing the area of ​​population protection against infectious diseases, and therefore formal verifications could have not been issued, said a member of the FBiH Ministry of Health Crisis Staff, Goran Čerkez.

Explaining the Decision of the FBiH Ministry of Health, stating that no health institution in the Federation of BiH has a permit for performing a microbiological activity, laboratory isolation and identification of infectious disease agents, emphasized that this document has been requested from all the institutions and that it was a question of formal and legal nature, and that testing procedure is not endangered in any case. 

"The Sarajevo Clinical Center performed its checks in international laboratories, where the accuracy of all data was confirmed, and other clinical centers did so in Sarajevo. There is absolute verification and security as far as data is concerned," Čerkez emphasized.



(FENA) S. R.

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