News in English     | 19.09.2024. 12:27 |

Minister Pozder: Investments in tourism yield significant returns

FENA Nina Maslo, Photo: Denis Leko

MOSTAR, September 19 (FENA) - Investments in tourism yield significant returns, but we are also obliged to invest in infrastructure, education, and workforce retention, as well as in the protection of our natural beauty and cultural heritage, and in the promotion of what we have, said FBiH Minister of Environment and Tourism Nasiha Pozder at the opening of the "Media and Tourism" conference, organized by the Federal News Agency (FENA) and the Tourism Board of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC).

''Bosnia and Herzegovina is still an undiscovered secret for many, and therein lies the charm of what is just becoming a tourist brand—a story that we have yet to convey together to those who want to be valued guests: those seeking spirituality, adventures in untouched nature, vacations in autochthonous villages, and the pleasure of fragrant wines and the most delicious cheeses from Posavina to Livno,'' said the minister.

She added that in this narrative, the media plays one of the most important roles in branding Bosnia and Herzegovina as a desirable, safe, and unique destination. Their role is to contribute to strengthening trust and promoting credibility and responsibility in tourism.

''The FBiH Ministry of Environment and Tourism, in this joint effort, has prepared, with the support of USAID, the FBiH Tourism Development Strategy, which received backing in both houses last year on World Tourism Day. This is the first strategy of its kind in the Federation, and it creates a framework in which we aim to develop our destination and our brand. This year, we have allocated 4 million KM for the development of tourism across five different programs, which is 3 million more than last year. However, I must emphasize that this amount is still far from sufficient, as claims have exceeded 20 million KM,'' said Pozder.

As she stated, investments in tourism yield substantial returns, and it is essential to invest in infrastructure, education, workforce retention, and the protection of natural beauty and cultural heritage, as well as in promotion.

At the end, she also mentioned the visits of journalists from the region to numerous tourist destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, announcing new ones that will aid in further promoting BiH destinations both regionally and globally.

''We are currently preparing to welcome journalists from Egypt who will visit Bihać, Travnik, Jajce, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, and, of course, Mostar. Such meetings, along with the promotion of our cultural and historical heritage, natural beauty, gastronomy, and hospitality, as well as our customs and traditions, are recognized by the ministry I currently head as the path leading to the success of our destinations,'' the FBiH Minister concluded.

The Mayor of Mostar, Mario Kordić, emphasized that after the coronavirus pandemic, a new model of tourist behavior has emerged globally, which also occurred in Mostar with a sudden influx of tourists.

''Since we were not yet prepared to manage such a large number, we faced the challenge of overbooked destinations, making it nearly impossible to provide comfort to tourists. We recognized this issue and have worked on it. As a result, we developed the so-called Mostar Pass, a tourist card for the City of Mostar. Our aim is to create a counter-narrative to the overbooking of the Old Town by better managing the large influx of tourists. We still have much work to do, as the Mostar Pass is not mandatory, and for it to be successful, people must be aware of its existence. This is where the media and our overall presentation come into play,'' the Mayor emphasized.

(FENA) A. B.

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