News in English     | 19.09.2024. 12:03 |

'Media and Tourism' conference begins: The media has a key influence on destination choice

FENA Monika Ćubela Savić, Photo: Emanuel Soca

MOSTAR, September 19 (FENA) - The "Media and Tourism" conference, organized by the Federal News Agency (FENA) and the Tourism Board of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC) in partnership with the City of Mostar and under the patronage of the FBiH Ministry of Environment and Tourism, has commenced in Mostar.



The conference gathered representatives from media agencies, tourism boards, chambers of commerce, and travel agencies from Bosnia and Herzegovina and neighboring countries.

During the opening address, the Deputy Director of the Federal News Agency, Ilija Musa, stated that in the age of digital transformation, the media have the opportunity—and the responsibility—to highlight the positive aspects of tourism, promoting the authenticity, specificity, and historical-cultural heritage of our destinations.

"The beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina's towns and cities, including Mostar, our cultural diversity, heritage recognized by UNESCO, natural resources, and the gastronomic and oenological uniqueness of our region, as well as the increasingly strong development of religious tourism, provide opportunities for entrepreneurs involved in tourism to enhance cooperation with the media. The media, in turn, have the obligation to promote tourist activities," said Musa.

He explained that the aim of this conference is to emphasize the importance of the media's role in the development of tourism, particularly by addressing topics such as the contribution of the media in selecting a tourist destination, the significance of media in branding a tourist location or specific attraction, and effective communication of the tourist offer.

"As an important link in the development of society and the affirmation of positive social movements, FENA strives to be a medium for transmitting information while also serving as a generator of discussions on important social issues. We fulfill this role by organizing conferences that address interesting and relevant topics for our society," emphasized Musa.

The Director of the HNC Tourism Board, Anđelko Maslać, expressed his satisfaction that this international conference is being held in Mostar, stating that the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, i.e., Herzegovina, has become a true tourist destination and has established itself alongside other tourist destinations in the surrounding area, especially in the Mediterranean region.

He pointed out that tourism has transformed into a global industry and that the media's role in this process is becoming increasingly important. As intermediaries in the tourist market, Maslać believes that the media, particularly digital media and social networks, have a key influence on destination choice.

"In this regard, it is important to focus on educating people about the possibilities of modern technologies and training tourism workers and all those involved in the travel industry. I believe that this international conference will guide us on a dynamic and interesting journey towards capturing the attention of potential tourists, providing us with valuable insights and guidelines for the future," underlined the director of the HNC Tourism Board.

The conference is structured around two panels: "The Role of Media in Popularizing Tourist Destinations" and "Communicating the Tourism Offer through Media," focusing on topics related to promoting tourism through media and strengthening cooperation between tourism organizations and media outlets.

(FENA) A. B.

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