News in English     | 30.08.2024. 14:40 |

FBiH Agency for Management of Confiscated Property takes over expensive apartments on Bjelašnica

FENA Press release, Photo: FAZUOI

SARAJEVO, August 30 (FENA) - Officials of the FBiH Agency for the Management of Confiscated Property, with the assistance of the Judicial Police in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - the Judicial Police Center in the Sarajevo Canton and the police officers of the Sarajevo Canton MoI - the Trnovo Police Department, took over expensive real estate on Bjelašnica Mount, Trnovo Municipality.

Sadržaj dostupan isključivo pretplatnicima FENA servisa. Za više informacija o načinu i uslovima korištenja servisa kontaktirajte

(FENA) A. B.

Vezane vijesti

In FBiH, progress has been made in the systemic management of confiscated property


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