News in English     | 21.06.2022. 15:46 |

In FBiH, progress has been made in the systemic management of confiscated property

FENA Vernera Jakupović, Photo:

SARAJEVO, June 21 (FENA) - Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Federation of BiH are making progress in the field of confiscation and management of the confiscated property - it was stated during a round table in Igman on "Challenges in confiscating illegally acquired the property in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ”, whose participants were representatives of the judiciary and academia, courts, prosecutors' offices, the international community, lawyers and other guests.

This was stated to the press by the director of the Federal Agency for Management of Confiscated Property, Vinko Jakić, noting that progress was noticed after the adoption of the Law from 2015, and that before that, the results in this area were zero.

- Now, from year to year, we have a larger seizure of illegal property. Amendments to the Law on Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Property are in the process, so prosecutors will get new tools and the procedure of confiscation, investigation, etc. will be facilitated, a lot of things will be fixed. It is necessary for the proposal to be approved in the parliament, we expect that the amended law will be adopted - said Jakić.

These two roundtables, held yesterday and today at Igman, were organized by the Federal Agency for the Management of Confiscated Property in cooperation with UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime).

Legislation and its improvement, confiscation of proceeds of crime from the aspect of international legal assistance, as well as international standards in confiscation of illicit proceeds were discussed.

The participants were introduced to the role of defense counsel in criminal proceedings from the aspect of financial investigations and confiscation of illegally acquired property, as well as financial investigations in the legal system of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The emphasis was on drafting a strategy for confiscation of proceeds of crime in the FBiH and an action plan for its implementation, which will present as documents unique policies in the field of confiscation and management of confiscated property.

The strategy and action plan will contain workable, clear and concrete goals that respect all specifics of administrative organization and society in the Federation of BiH and will be harmonized with international standards and obligations from ratified conventions with domestic legislation, but also based on good domestic and international practices.

In addition to UNODC representatives, the roundtables were attended by representatives of the EU Delegation and the OSCE Mission to BiH, and the GIZ Office in BiH, who provided full support to the activities of the Federal Agency for the Management of Confiscated Assets.

The roundtables were organized within the Regional Program for Southeast Europe 2020-2023 "From Illegal Financial Income to Property Restitution", implemented by UNODC with the support of the Government of the United Kingdom.

The Federal Agency for the Management of Confiscated Property will continue its activities aimed at educating state and police officers and holders of judicial functions in this area, within the agreed Active Roadmap of Recovery for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the agency said.

(FENA) L. N.

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