News in English     | 08.08.2024. 14:15 |

Ongoing cooperation between the cities of Sarajevo and Vienna in the field of green hydrogen use

FENA Press release, Photo: (c) WH International Services

SARAJEVO, August 8 (FENA) - Representatives of the Center for Advanced Technologies (CNT) from Sarajevo visited the headquarters of the Vienna group Wiener Stadtwerke and the headquarters of the MA 48 Waste Management Department, where they were informed about the wide use of green hydrogen in various sectors.

Sadržaj dostupan isključivo pretplatnicima FENA servisa. Za više informacija o načinu i uslovima korištenja servisa kontaktirajte

(FENA) S. R.

Vezane vijesti


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M:tel: Uz Pretplata tarife dobijate i do tri puta više neta

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