News in English     | 05.07.2024. 16:50 |

Izetbegović: We urge PIC to stop the activities of Serbia and RS that undermine DPA and peace in BiH

FENA Aida Kovač, Photo: Hazim Aljović

SARAJEVO, July 5 (FENA) - The Party of Democratic Action (SDA) calls on the Peace Implementation Council and the witness states of the Dayton Peace Agreement to urgently stop the activities of the Republic of Serbia and the entity of the RS, which undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement and peace in the Balkans and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is one of the conclusions from the session of the Presidency of the SDA, which was held today in Sarajevo, presented to the journalists by the president of the party, Bakir Izetbegović.

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