News in English     | 30.06.2024. 19:07 |

Three persons arrested over the murder of a 38-year-old woman in Sarajevo

FENA Press release, Photo: Ilustracija

SARAJEVO, June 30 (FENA) - Police officers of the Police Department of the MoI of the Sarajevo Canton, under the supervision of the duty prosecutor of the Cantonal Prosecutor's Office of the Sarajevo Canton, deprived 36-year-old G.R. for the crime of murder and 76-year-old L.R. for the criminal offense of complicity in murder and 67-year-old L.J. due to criminal acts, failure to report the criminal act or the perpetrator and helping the perpetrator after the criminal act was committed to the detriment of 38-year-old N.R from Sarajevo.


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(FENA) S. R.

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