News in English     | 05.06.2024. 10:07 |

EANA strongly condemns the cyberattack on Polish press agency's website

FENA Press release, Photo: FENA

BERN, June 5 (FENA) – The Board of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA) strongly condemns the cyberattack on the Polish Press Agency's website that was carried out a few days ago. Understanding the value that trustworthy and free news agencies bring to our society, EANA underlines the fundamental need that real journalism is secured and left out of any type of conflict, EANA announced.

"The attack on PAP's website was obviously an attempt from malintent actors to destabilize and misinform the Polish society before a very important European election round and during an ongoing war in Ukraine. In a way, this unfortunate development showcases the critical importance news agencies have for societies, especially during very important national or global events. Also, in this context, media organizations should focus more on cybersecurity and governments should observe the need to invest more in lifelong learning of media literacy,'' said Alexandru Giboi, Secretary General of the European Alliance of News Agencies. 

The member of the EANA Board and the General Manager of FENA, Elmir Huremović, also condemned the attack.

"I strongly condemn the cyber attack on the Polish news agency. Given the potential danger of such incidents continuing, I urge media consumers to be extremely cautious and critical of news containing unusual content or a sensationalist tone. It is crucial to verify information from multiple sources in order to effectively counter potential threats that may affect our media outlets,'' said Elmir Huremović.

(FENA) A. B.

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