News in English     | 28.05.2024. 18:34 |

Bradara: The process of appointing a judge of CC BiH was deliberately dragged and made difficult

FENA Senka Trgovčević, Photo: Senka Trgovčević

SARAJEVO, May 28 (FENA) - Letters were sent to the President of the Federation of BiH Lidija Bradara (HDZ BiH), as well as to the Vice Presidents Refik Lendo (SDA) and Igor Stojanović (SDP), on behalf of the parliamentary clubs of the  Party of Democratic Action, the Democratic Front and the Party for BiH in the FBiH Parliament with the aim that the leadership of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina will in some way stop the confirmation of the appointment of a judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina at today's session of the House of Representatives.


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