News in English     | 28.04.2024. 17:03 |

FENA is hosting the 2nd MIT conference on the topic of media responsibility in the electoral process

FENA Press release, Photo: Amer Kajmović

SARAJEVO, April 28 (FENA) - The Federal News Agency (FENA) in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing the second edition of the Media Innovation & Trends conference with international participation. The theme and main topic of this year's conference is "Media Responsibility in the Electoral Process".

The conference, which will be held on May 8 in the Sarajevo Swissotel, will gather media professionals, election and media experts, information technology experts from BiH and abroad, and representatives of regulatory bodies and non-governmental organizations. The goal of the conference is to point out the dangers that threaten the media and the democratic environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina due to the increasingly massive misuse of new technologies. Two panel discussions are planned. The first panel will discuss the challenges of using modern technologies in media coverage of elections, while the second panel will focus on the importance and responsibility of news agencies, but also the media in general, in the electoral process.
''With the organization of the second conference "Media Innovation and Trends", the social responsibility of the Federal News Agency becomes even clearer, and its position as a media leader in Bosnia and Herzegovina even more obvious. This year's theme of the conference "Media Responsibility in the Electoral Process" opens a space for dialogue and discussion between media practitioners from BiH and the world, university professors, representatives of international organizations, security agencies and domestic regulatory bodies about the role of artificial intelligence in the production of media content, the dangers of manipulating modern technologies in the creation of media content and the potential impact of such content on public opinion and social processes in general,'' FENA's Deputy Director Ilija Musa pointed out.

He says that the importance of developing media literacy in our society will be highlighted through the discussion, especially in the context of intertextual analysis of media publications, critical monitoring of the media and the importance of fact-checking, which will positively influence the empowerment of individuals in navigating the modern media space.
''We hope that the general public will see that the role of news agencies is crucial in the fight against media manipulation and misinformation,'' concluded Musa.

(FENA) A. B.

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