News in English     | 07.04.2024. 18:43 |

Cooreman: States need disease early warning systems, health sector needs to become more resilient

FENA Sanda Hrkić, Photo: Ured SZO za BiH

SARAJEVO, April 7 (FENA) - Vaccines protect (vaccinated) individuals, but if enough people are vaccinated, vaccines can stop the transmission of disease agents. In the case of measles, the percentage of vaccinated children should be 95 percent with two doses of the vaccine. Currently, this goal has not been achieved in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which makes the country insufficiently protected against the outbreak of an epidemic. Special Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr Erwin Cooreman, commented in an interview with FENA on the current epidemiological situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the light of the emergence of certain infectious diseases in children in an epidemic form.

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