News in English     | 01.06.2023. 18:19 |

OSCE Mission on Stanišić and Simatović verdict - War victims and survivors deserve justice and truth

FENA Press release, Photo: OSCE

SARAJEVO, June 1 (FENA) - Following the final verdict in the Stanišić and Simatović case by the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (MICT), the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina issued the following statement:


Yesterday's final verdict in the Stanišić and Simatović case, issued by the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (MICT), marks a significant step towards the provision of justice to victims in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) who have been forced to wait, for far too long, for effective redress for crimes committed during the war in the former Yugoslavia. The further importance of this verdict lies in its attribution of criminal responsibility to individuals who committed such heinous crimes while holding high-level positions of power.

As the final case before the MICT related to the war in the 1990s, Stanišić and Simatović closes one chapter in this essential pursuit of accountability, but these efforts must continue through domestic investigations and prosecutions.

The Mission reiterates its commitment to supporting institutions across BiH in the processing of war crimes cases in accordance with the obligation to investigate and prosecute war crimes cases effectively, as established under international humanitarian law, and with the Revised National War Crimes Processing Strategy, pursuant to internationally recognized fair trial standards.

Establishing lasting peace and protecting the rule of law require ensuring accountability for these atrocity crimes. Victims and survivors of the war deserve justice and the truth, as well as redress, respect, dignity and compassion. We urge all leaders to promote peace and stability by respecting the verdicts of the international and domestic judicial institutions handling war crimes cases, noting the role such verdicts play in creating a comprehensive record of the war and in combatting historical revisionism.

Looking to the future, political, religious and other public figures, as well as educators, must lead the way in building bridges and trust across the difficult and emotionally-laden chasms still affecting the South-Eastern Europe region, stated the OSCE Mission to BiH. 

(FENA) S. R.

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