News in English     | 29.03.2023. 10:58 |

Industrial production in BiH in February lower by 3 percent compared to February last year

FENA Darinka Mitrović, Photo: FENA

SARAJEVO, March 29 (FENA) - The total industrial production in Bosnia and Herzegovina in February compared to January this year was 0.7 percent lower, while compared to February last year, it was lower by three percent.

The production of durable consumer goods in February compared to January of this year was higher by 8.1 percent, and the production of non-durable consumer goods by 0.4 percent, while the production of capital goods was lower by 1.1 percent, energy by 1, 5 percent, and intermediate products was lower by 4.6 percent, stated the BiH Statistics Agency.

In February of this year, compared to February last year, industrial production in the area of ore and stone extraction registered a growth of 1.7 percent, while in the production and supply of electricity, there was a decrease of 5.2 percent, and in the processing industry a decrease of 3. 2 percent.

(FENA) S. R.

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