News in English     | 02.11.2022. 20:04 |

Schmidt gives support to the introduction of electronic means in the election process

FENA Press release, Photo:

SARAJEVO, November 2 (FENA) - Acknowledging today’s decision of the BiH Central Election Commission (CEC) to verify the final results of the 2022 General Elections, the High Representative Christian Schmidt emphasized that action must be undertaken to further improve the integrity of the election process.

“The citizens should be able to trust the reliability of the election system. They have to be sure that their vote will be counted and that their choice will be respected,” said the High Representative, adding that, in order to achieve this goal, the top priority should be to suppress electoral fraud.

The introduction of electronic means in the election process is the next proper step on this path.

“The time has passed for studies and recommendations. We know very well what needs to be done to ensure the integrity of elections, and I call on the members of the next Parliament to implement the necessary measures in one of their early sessions.

Quick action to improve the financing and staffing of the BiH Central Election Commission is also urgently needed. There is no need to wait any longer to make the necessary changes,” added the High Representative.

(FENA) S. R.

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