News in English     | 16.03.2022. 11:08 |

BiH PA HoR Speaker Denis Zvizdić on an official visit to Berlin

FENA Press release, Photo:

SARAJEVO, March 16 (FENA) - Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Denis Zvizdić will pay an official visit to Berlin on March 17 and 18, where he will meet with senior Bundestag officials of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Predsjedavajući Zvizdić u Berlinu će imati niz sastanaka i razgovora o aktuelnoj političkoj situaciji u Bosni i Hercegovini, najavljeno je iz Sektora za odnose s javnošću Parlamentarne skupštine BiH.

Chairman Zvizdić will have a series of meetings and talks in Berlin on the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, announced the Public Relations Office of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

(FENA) S. R.

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