News in English     | 18.10.2019. 14:39 |

Ambassador Hartmann: It is high time for BiH government to be formed

FENA Dušica Stanojević

BANJA LUKA, October 18 (FENA) - It is necessary to form a government in Bosnia and Herzegovina as soon as possible, which is a step towards the continuation of its European path, Austrian Ambassador to BiH Ulrike Hartmann said today in Banja Luka.  

She also stated that a year has passed since the elections and it is high time for the government to be formed and she hopes it would happen soon.

She noted that BiH received the Opinion of the European Commission.

“The document outlines 14 priorities and BiH politicians know what they have to do, and a government should be formed,” said Ambassador Hartmann.

She assessed the adoption of the document "Joint Socio-Economic Reforms for the period 2019-2022" as positive.

She also stressed that she expects BiH to continue its path towards the EU, and that her country is a great friend of the Western Balkans, especially in regards of the membership of countries from the region in the EU.

Ambassador Hartmann pointed out that it depends on BiH when it will become an EU member, i.e. fulfill all criteria.  

Austrian Ambassador noted that when BiH fulfills all the criteria, negotiations will follow, which may take years, but it also depends on pace of reforms that will be implemented in BiH, followed by an EU decision.

“BiH has to show that its entire legislation will be in line with European,” added the Austrian Ambassador to BiH.

Hartmann participated in the work of Political Café on European Affairs in Banja Luka, organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung BiH.

(FENA) A. B.

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