News in English     | 02.10.2019. 19:14 |

PM Novalić joins the meeting convened over suspension of gas supply to FBiH

FENA Alma Zukanović

SARAJEVO, October 2 (FENA) - Prime Minister of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fadil Novalić, has joined a meeting that is taking place in Sarajevo over the suspension of gas supply to the FBiH.

The meeting, which began today in the FBiH Government, is attended by FBiH Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry Nermin Džindić, BH-Gas Managing Director Jasmin Salkić, Assistant RS Minister of Energy Milenko Todorović, ‘Gas promet’ Director Milomir Draganić and representatives of the European Commission Delegation.

Participants in the meeting could not agree on gas supply conditions, because ‘Gas-promet’ wants the gas transport contract to be signed as a contract between two states and not two entities in the same country, which is unacceptable for the Federation of BiH.

Yesterday, the Zvornik based company ‘Gas promet’ stopped the gas supply to the Federation of BiH. The entity of RS claims that BH-Gas has not renewed the contract for the next year.

(FENA) S. R.

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