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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 166 | Najnovije vijesti iz BiH, regiona i svijeta
News in English     | 09.04.2019. 17:54 |

Vučić: We do not have any territorial claims towards Bosnia and Herzegovina


MOSTAR, 9 April (FENA) - Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, asked to comment Milorad Dodik's recent statements on changing of the borders in the Balkans, responded that the Republic of Serbia has no claims on the territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro or North Macedonia.

“We consider it important that everyone respect the territorial integrity of Serbia, while Serbia respects the territorial integrity of all the others. That is how I hope it would be in the future. That is why I regarded as inappropriate some statements of certain politicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina who have violated the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia in the belief that it is possible that Serbia alone gets to be the damaged party. I consider it to be a bad message and that no one should violate anyone’s territorial integrity in any way,” said Vučić in Mostar after a meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragan Čović.

He added that Serbia has no territorial claims towards Bosnia and Herzegovina and other neighboring countries.

“When we agreed in Sarajevo on the principles under which we should regulate the borders, and sign the agreement and finish the story of the borders, which is equally important for BiH and Serbia, some said it cannot be done over a lunch. I answered, if we cannot do it over lunch, we can have a dinner or meeting, in any way else. However, since then, we have not made any progress. I did everything that was agreed, but unfortunately it was not enough. I do not want to interfere in the internal problems of Bosnia and Herzegovina in any way,” said Vučić.

(FENA) S. R.

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