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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 166 | Najnovije vijesti iz BiH, regiona i svijeta
News in English     | 03.10.2018. 15:50 |

FENA becomes member of Association of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN)

FENA Press release

ATHENS/SARAJEVO, October 3 (FENA) - Federal News Agency (FENA) has been admitted today in full membership of the Association of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN). Decision was made at the AMAN Annual Assembly which is held in Greece.

Secretary General of AMAN George Penintaex emphasized the fact that decision on FENA's admission was unanimous.

"It is our pleasure that FENA will represent Bosnia and Herzegovina in our Mediterranean alliance. Commission of this association suggested admission of the Federal News Agency because it fulfills all criteria for the membership," said Penintaex.

Noting that only one agency can represent a country in this association, Penintaex emphasized that FENA is the most important news agency in BiH, that will from now on be able to attend all events organized by the Association, such as workshops and seminars, but it will also be able to give its contribution in the Assembly's activities.

"It is very important for every agency to exchange news and sign bilateral agreements with other agencies. Membership in AMAN offers benefits to everyone, considering it provides possibility of dialogue and exchange of views, but it also shows solidarity among the news agencies," concluded Penintaex.

Director of FENA Elmir Huremovic said he was very pleased to hear the decision.

"This is a continuation of international establishment of FENA as a leading news agency in BiH and yet another confirmation that FENA has become an important factor in the international media scene. After last-year's admission in the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA), membership in AMAN is proof that significance and role of FENA is recognized in professional circles outside of our country. We believe this is an important recognition, not only for management, editorship and employees of our agency, but for BiH as a state as well," stated Huremović.

AMAN (Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies) was established in 1991 and it gathers leading news agencies from 19 countries from Europe, Asia and Africa.

(FENA) D. J.

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