News in English     | 18.05.2018. 14:04 |

SC Red Cross marks 26 years of murder of Frederic Maurice

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, May 18 (FENA) - Red Cross of Sarajevo Canton marked the anniversary of murder of delegate of the International Committee of RC Frederic Maurice today, who was killed on a humanitarian mission at the Višegrad Gate 26 years ago, when he accompanied a convoy carrying medicine for citizens of besieged Sarajevo.

"Every year on May 18 we remember not only him but all workers and volunteers of the Red Cross who also gave their lives," it was said in a press release.

Flowers were laid by representatives of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), Society of Red Cross of BiH, Red Cross of the Federation of BiH, Red Cross of Sarajevo Canton, Red Cross of Trnovo municipality, Red Cross of Stari Grad municipality and representatives of the City of Sarajevo, Stari Grad municipality and Ministry for Labor, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees of Sarajevo Canton.

(FENA) A. B.

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