News in English     | 29.01.2025. 17:47 |

UNDP representatives discuss digitalization and sustainable development at IDDEEA BiH

FENA Press release, Photo: IDDEEA

SARAJEVO, January 29 (FENA) – The Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Renaud Meyer, and Deputy Victor Munteanu visited today the Agency for Identification Documents, Records, and Data Exchange (IDDEEA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they met with the Agency’s Director, Almira Badnjević.

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(FENA) S. R.

Vezane vijesti

IDDEEA strengthens cooperation with the EU and improves digital services for BIH citizens 

Personal data in the official records maintained by IDDEEA protected at the highest security level

Specialized training to address developmental challenges in children within local communities


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