News in English     | 21.11.2024. 08:58 |

FBiH Govt. dismisses Reuf Sulejmanović from position of Acting Executive Director of FBiH Railways

FENA Press release, Photo: Archive

SARAJEVO, November 21 (FENA) – The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina held an urgent telephone session last night to amend the Decision on granting prior approval to the Supervisory Board of the Public Enterprise Federation of BiH Railways LLC Sarajevo to adopt a Decision on the appointment of an acting management board of FBiH Railways as of November 20, 2024.

Sadržaj dostupan isključivo pretplatnicima FENA servisa. Za više informacija o načinu i uslovima korištenja servisa kontaktirajte

(FENA) A. B.

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