News in English     | 23.08.2024. 18:27 |

Crnadak: It is sad to see Dodik and other RS officials retreating before the CIA director

FENA Press release, Photo: Arhiva

BANJA LUKA, August 23 (FENA) - For the last two days, the SNSD officials and their media bombarded the public with messages that they never advocated the secession of the RS, even though the whole world knows that this is the main part of their populist rhetoric, said Igor Crnadak, head of the PDP MPs Club in the National Assembly of the RS who reminded that on May 30, the RS Government formed a Working Group for disassociation from the FBiH, led by Minister Bukejlović, which is clear evidence that the SNSD has been the bearer of incendiary initiatives, including secession.

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(FENA) S. R.

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