News in English     | 14.08.2024. 19:13 |

Honey production and packaging facility opens in Busovača with the help of TIKA (VIDEO)

FENA Duško Pucar, Photo: Duško Pucar

BUSOVAČA, August 14 (FENA) - President of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) Serkan Kayalar, Turkish Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Sadik Babur Girgin, Prime Minister of the Central Bosnia Canton Tahir Lendo, Minister of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry Advan Akeljić and the mayor of the municipality of Busovača, Asim Mekić, today opened a plant for the production and packaging of honey in Kaćuni near Busovača.

The production line was officially put into operation today, and everyone present could make sure that the entire project was done according to the highest standards.

The plant is owned by the "Kaćuni" association. The construction and equipping of the plant was financed by TIKA.

It was pointed out that the plant that opened today is the result of many years of work by the members of the association, and that the honey from the plant in Kaćuni is intended not only for the cantonal market but for the entire market of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

TIKA President Serkan Kayalar promised further support for such and similar projects, while Cantonal Prime Minister Tahir Lendo and Municipal Mayor Asim Mekić thanked the Republic of Turkiye for everything it has done so far for the Central Bosnia region.


(FENA) S. R.

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