News in English     | 11.07.2024. 11:47 |

Borrell: Remembering Srebrenica, confronting history to build peace

FENA Press release, Photo: Arhiva

SARAJEVO, July 11 (FENA) - In July 1995, one of the darkest chapters in modern European history was written. Over 8,300 boys and men were systematically murdered and buried in mass graves in the hills surrounding the town of Srebrenica. Today, 29 years later, 14 of those victims, who were only recently identified, will be laid to rest at the Srebrenica–Potočari Memorial and Cemetery. For their families and loved ones, a long and painful period of uncertainty finally comes to an end, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell wrote in his column.

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