News in English     | 03.07.2024. 13:23 |

Constitutional Court of RS to consider ethnic declaration of Dragana Čavka for the RTRS position

FENA Tijana Grujić, Photo: NSRS arhiva

BANJA LUKA, July 3 (FENA) - The Joint Committee of the National Assembly of the RS and the Council of Peoples of the RS did not reach an agreement today regarding the appointment of Dragana Čavka as a member of the RTRS Board of Directors.

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(FENA) S. R.

Vezane vijesti

RS Council of Peoples without agreement on an amendment from the Bosniak People's Club 

Tabaković: No agreement in RS Council of Peoples regarding the changes to the Criminal Code

The RS Council of Peoples today to discuss the passed law that criminalizes defamation


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