News in English     | 20.06.2024. 15:38 |

The initiative to dismiss Minister Nešić did not receive the necessary entity majority for adoption

FENA Aida Kovač, Photo: Amer Kajmović

SARAJEVO, June 20 (FENA) - The initiative for the dismissal of the Minister of Security of BiH Nenad Nešić, proposed by the members of the SDA Caucus: Šerif Špago, Edin Ramić, Safet Kešo, Amor Mašović, Denijal Tulumović, Nermin Mandra, Šemsudin Dedić and Midhat Čaušević, during the voting at today's session of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, received a general, but not an entity majority of votes.

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