News in English     | 19.05.2024. 19:58 |

Schmid: Dangerous secessionist rhetoric represents a serious risk for the stability of BiH


SARAJEVO, May 19 (FENA) - These are really challenging times, in which, like never before, the principles of security, multilateralism and cooperation, which together form the basis of the Helsinki Final Act, the founding document of the OSCE, established almost 50 years ago, are being undermined, stated the Secretary General of the OSCE, Helga Maria Schmid, in an interview with FENA.

She emphasizes that in addition to the devastating consequences of the war in Ukraine, other security threats are emerging. Tensions between great powers, regional conflicts, radicalization leading to terrorism, climate change, as well as the growing trend of cyber threats and hybrid conflict tactics, are just some of them.
''State borders do not stop these challenges, and we must work together to find answers. This is exactly what the OSCE does: we bring countries together, develop regional solutions and work to overcome problems together. The fight against climate change is a good example in which the OSCE is an important partner - not only do we offer a platform for political dialogue, but we also offer concrete projects that strengthen regional cooperation, including here in Southeast Europe. We also work to improve the building of trust and cooperation at the local level, which is the basis for any prosperous community. The OSCE Mission in BiH, for example, is leading the Upper Drina Initiative. This Initiative brings together 11 municipalities that work together to promote the tourist potential of a part of the country that does not attract much investment, despite its beauty and potential for development. Through this Initiative, local officials work for the benefit of their citizens. This project was inspired by the initiative of five municipality mayors of the Majevica Mountain region who decided to put aside the legacy of the war to build a better world for their local communities. For this initiative, as well as for all the other fantastic work we do, I can thank our local and international staff who work throughout the country,'' Schmid pointed out.
She adds that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a beautiful country, which she has visited on several occasions.
Answering the question of how far the OSCE can fulfill its fundamental mission in today's geostrategic circumstances, which is to maintain and strengthen security and cooperation in Europe, Helga Maria Schmid says that the OSCE is still the only global platform for security dialogue that includes not only Russia and Ukraine, but also EU countries, the United States, Canada, countries of Central Asia and Southeast Europe.
''The meeting of all 57 OSCE member states, on a weekly basis, and thereby effectively creating a platform for fulfilling responsibilities, is one of our main strengths. It is important to emphasize that we do not operate in a vacuum. Cooperation with international and regional organizations, non-state actors and civil society organizations is and will remain crucial in solving security problems in OSCE member states and beyond. The full potential of the OSCE is reflected in our presence in 12 field missions in Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and our activities in the South Caucasus. Our engagement goes beyond the exclusively military-political element of security, but also encompasses the economic and environmental aspects of security, as well as the human dimension of security. We need this multidimensional approach more than ever as we face new security threats. From addressing the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons to combating the growing security threat posed by climate change, to combating the vicious effects of corruption and strengthening the rule of law, we still manage to get the job done. We operate in the local environment, fulfilling our obligations within the framework of activities adapted to the needs of the communities we help. In our work, we bring everyone together, including women and young people, because society can only prosper when everyone is represented and when all voices are heard,'' said Schmid.
Speaking about the main challenges in the Western Balkans, which is often mentioned as the neuralgic point of Europe, the Secretary General emphasizes that the OSCE has been operating in the area of Southeastern Europe for over 30 years.
''We witnessed many changes in this region, many of which were positive. However, despite the great progress that has been made, this region still faces very complex challenges. Persistent ethnic divisions and nationalist attitudes remain a problem in this region. Unresolved disputes and injustices committed in the past exacerbate inter-ethnic tensions and hinder progress towards reconciliation and stability. Preventing escalation, strengthening institutions, strengthening the rule of law and bringing communities together are key areas in which the OSCE operates. We work through our presence on the ground within six field missions, but also in partnership with other international actors. During the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elmedin Konaković this week, we discussed the visible progress achieved as a result of the cooperation between the OSCE and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and indeed the region as a whole,'' she said.
As an example, she cites that "we are actively working throughout Southeast Europe to strengthen the judicial response to organized crime and corruption through the EU-funded Regional Trial Monitoring Project". This project is based on the cooperation of six OSCE Missions in the region and local authorities on the collection of data on the relevant judicial systems with the overall goal of strengthening the transparency of their work, their independence, quality and efficiency. The OSCE closely cooperates with experts from the judicial sector on the implementation of this project, which is truly "a reflection of one of our greatest strengths and that is our presence on the ground and cooperation with local actors".

The OSCE was very critical of some decisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including threats of secession from the RS. When asked what she sees as the main problems in Bosnia and Herzegovina and what are the main objections to the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Schmid says that unfortunately, thirty years after the Dayton Peace Agreement, certain leaders continue to raise tensions, exploiting the unhealed wounds and trauma of many people in Bosnia and Herzegovina. By doing so, they are actively working against a functioning and democratic state.

''Dangerous secessionist rhetoric contradicts the Dayton Peace Agreement and, what is important to emphasize, represents a serious risk for the stability and unity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the wider region. Threats of disintegration are irresponsible, diverting attention and resources from real problems and causing concern and fear among citizens. The recent action of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska in the direction of the unilateral transfer of competences from the state to the entity level with the aim of creating a parallel electoral system, together with secessionist threats, is contrary to the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina and collapses the overall functionality and stability of the state. During the conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs this week, I once again emphasized the urgent need for all political leaders to act constructively and to cooperate within institutions at the state level in order to implement the necessary reforms in the interest of all citizens, as indicated in the joint statement with the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Minister for Foreign, Trade and European Affairs of Malta, Ian Borg, two weeks ago,'' says the OSCE Secretary General.
When it comes to the consequences of insufficient efficiency in the institutional fight against corruption in BiH, Schmid emphasizes that the fight against corruption is still taking place even in countries where the democratic order was established a long time ago, and it is not a challenge only in this region.
''Bosnia and Herzegovina has made some progress in the field of legislation, which was demonstrated by the adoption of several important laws in the fight against corruption, such as the Law on Prevention of Conflicts of Interest and the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorist Activities. Their effective implementation will benefit the political and economic prospects of everyone from individuals to the private sector. However, corruption remains a major threat that undermines not only the foundation of the state, but also encourages emigration. According to Transparency International's recently published the Corruption Perceptions Index for 2023, Bosnia and Herzegovina ranks last in the region and second worst in Europe. That should worry every citizen. Therefore, there is an urgent need to establish a strong system to prevent corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to support effective judicial responses to corruption. The OSCE will continue to support these efforts, but the ultimate responsibility lies with the elected political leaders,'' says Schmid.
BiH is holding local elections this year, but there are many political and organizational problems in their preparation. In an interview with FENA, Schmid commented on what she expects from the authorities in BiH and what are the consequences of compromising the election process.

''As the foundation of every democratic state, elections require the purposeful engagement of everyone in society, from citizens, the judiciary and the police to the media, political authorities, civil society and other institutions. Any deviation from international standards and democratic principles, including the obligations of OSCE member states, undermines public confidence and leads to the risk of continued instability. The OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) is responsible for election observation as part of its mandate to assist states in ensuring respect for democratic principles and human rights in OSCE member states. ODIHR will soon conduct a pre-election needs assessment mission to assess the need for observing this year's local elections. In addition, the cooperation between our Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Central Election Commission achieved significant results in strengthening electoral integrity. In particular, the Mission carried out a certain number of activities with the aim of building the capacity of the electoral administration at the local level and improving the level of voters' awareness of their rights and obligations. The Mission will also support the CEC in the pilot project of biometric voter identification and authentication, further facilitating the electoral process and providing greater transparency. As you can see, our activities in this area are comprehensive and, what is important to emphasize, always hand in hand with the activities of local authorities, and the final responsibility rests with the authorities to ensure the free exercise of citizens' rights,'' concluded OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid.

(FENA) A. B.

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