News in English     | 22.03.2024. 17:00 |

Bećirović: Opening of negotiations should mark the end of anti-Dayton and separatist politics

FENA Vernera Jakupović, Photo: Hazim Aljović

SARAJEVO, March 22 (FENA) - After the European Council last night in Brussels approved the accession negotiations of the European Union with Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Chairman of the BiH Presidency, Denis Bećirović, addressed the public at a press conference in Sarajevo on this occasion, with the words: "After a long time, we have succeeded!".

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Vezane vijesti

Representatives of the Troika assess the opening of negotiations with EU as an exceptional success

Čović: Nothing has been given to us and we have a lot of work ahead

Scholz: I am glad that we can offer future steps in accession process to Bosnia and Herzegovina


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