News in English     | 23.10.2023. 10:05 |

SIPA conducts raid in temporary reception center in Blažuj

FENA Press release, Photo: SIPA

SARAJEVO, October 23 (FENA) - Police officers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) started this morning a joint criminal-tactical action "raid" in the wider area of the Temporary Reception Center Blažuj in cooperation with police officers of the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Sarajevo Canton, and Service for Foreigners' Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Intelligence and Security Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the supervision of the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Prosecutor's Office of the Sarajevo Canton. About 300 police officers from these police bodies are engaged in the raid.

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(FENA) A. B.

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