News in English     | 04.10.2023. 13:45 |

The importance of digitization for the future of Western Balkans underlined at the Digital Summit

FENA Muhamed Hadžibegić, Photo: Harun Muminović

SARAJEVO, October 4 (FENA) - Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Borjana Krišto, said today at the opening of the Sixth Digital Summit of the Western Balkans in Sarajevo that this conference is the best opportunity to explore and shape the future of our region together through digital technologies and the accelerated transformation of society that we are witnessing.


She added that Bosnia and Herzegovina and the countries of the Western Balkans have enormous potential, and in order to realize it, we must work together, and share ideas, experiences and best practices.

"We must cooperate to successfully overcome all challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that the digital era brings us," said Krišto.

She emphasized that it is the cooperation and exchange of ideas between our countries that forms the basis for a stronger, more stable, and more prosperous region.

Krišto said that our common future lies in connecting and that digital technologies are key tools in achieving that goal.

Minister of Communications and Transport of BiH, Edin Forto, reminded that roaming costs between the countries of the Western Balkans and the EU have been reduced after roaming among the countries of the region was abolished after similar summits.

He hopes that Bosnia and Herzegovina would soon connect all schools to high-speed Internet so that students have access to the most modern technologies. Minister Forto said that he expects the help of telecoms and the public and private sectors.

"It is very important that the entire region creates something that could be called a "digital community" that would help us integrate into the EU before politics catches up with that work," said Forto.

Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu, pointed out that the reduction in roaming prices with the EU will be significantly felt by everyone who travels to the Union from the region, as well as members of the diaspora when they visit their countries of origin.

German State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Digitization and Transport, Stefan Schnorr, announced that the summit will discuss ways to strengthen and protect the digital infrastructure and to support digital entrepreneurship as a means of economic empowerment.

He emphasized that his country has long supported the Western Balkans on the way to European integration and that today it will renew its commitment to that goal with additional support for the region's digital development.

"This is a very significant summit for the future of the Western Balkans and the future of the European Union,’" said Schnorr.

UNDP Resident Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Steliana Nedera, specified that UNDP in the Western Balkans implements more than 140 digitization projects in four areas that comprise the "EU Digital Compass".

She explained that this refers to the support of the public sector in the digitization of the services it provides and the overall management of the administration, but also the development of digital skills for various professions as well as the digital transformation of business.

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Vezane vijesti

Forto: We have reached a point where we simply have to let the private sector do its job

Krišto: We must cooperate in order to successfully overcome the challenges of the digital era

The sixth Western Balkans Digital Summit taking place in Sarajevo today


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