News in English     | 09.07.2023. 22:31 |

A sad convoy with the coffins of victims of genocide departs from Sarajevo towards Potočari (VIDEO)

FENA Kanita Aliagić, Photo: Hazim Aljović

SARAJEVO, July 9 (FENA) - Families of the victims, citizens of Sarajevo, representatives of the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the diplomatic corps in Bosnia and Herzegovina, religious communities, by reciting the prayers, a minute of silence and laying flowers, sent off the sad convoy with the coffins carrying the remains of 30 victims of the genocide that was committed in the area of Srebrenica in July 1995.

The convoy stopped in front of the BiH Presidency building, and the members of the BiH Presidency Denis Bećirović and Željko Komšić, ministers and representatives of the Government of the Federation of BiH and other BiH paid tribute to the innocent victims, as well as High Representative Christian Schmidt, and representatives of religious communities.

On that occasion, Bećirović stated that they were there to show deep respect for the victims of the Bosniak genocide, the only genocide in Europe after the Second World War.

He reminded that there are legally binding judgments of the highest courts of the United Nations that genocide was committed against Bosniaks, there are numerous judgments of the Hague Tribunal on this, and they should be well analyzed and implemented.

In this sense, he added, it is the duty of the competent authorities of the state of BiH, together with the representatives of the international community, to act more strongly and decisively in the coming period, in accordance with the laws of BiH, in order to protect the dignity of the victims of genocide and their families.

In this difficult moment, as he said, he does not want to talk about individuals whose behavior threatens peace and security in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The primitivism of certain government representatives in the Republika Srpska entity, as he emphasized, will be met with lawful, legal action, preserving security, stability and peace for every person in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"Those who think they are destroying the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina must know that the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina is stronger than any individual," said Bećirović.

At a collective funeral on July 11 in the Memorial Center in Potočari, the remains of 30 victims of the genocide will be buried this year.

The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina passed a Decision declaring July 11 as the Day of Mourning in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


(FENA) S. R.

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