SARAJEVO, May 31 (FENA) - The High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina Christian Schmidt commented on the final ruling in the case against former Serbian security officials Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović, the last major ruling by the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT).
"I hope this ruling will help the survivors and victims' families reach at least some peace and closure after the horrors of the 1990s. This judgment marks the end of the Mechanism's task to adjudicate the most serious international crimes committed on the territory of the former Yugoslavia.
However, this cannot mean the end of impunity for those who committed these crimes and have not been tried yet. We must ensure that the remaining war crimes cases before the domestic courts are processed
Ensuring judicial accountability is also in the interest of society at large. It is necessary to establish historical facts, which in turn will enable truth-sharing, dispelling competing narratives, and fostering reconciliation," wrote HR Schmidt.
(FENA) S. R.