News in English     | 31.03.2023. 18:16 |

Stojanović requests a review of the candidacies of Kljako, Vlaisavljević and Hopovac

FENA Press release, Photo: Arhiv

SARAJEVO, March 31 (FENA) - Vice President of the Federation of BiH, Igor Stojanović, sent a letter today to party presidents Nermin Nikšić (SDP BiH), Dragan Čović (HDZ BiH) and Nermin Ogrešević (NES), wanting to "encourage them to check once again the disputed candidates for ministers for which the public has dilemmas, to be sure that these are the best people who will perform the most important functions at the level of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina". 

“Namely, the candidates Anel Kljako, Sanja Vlaisavljević and Almin Hopovac are the candidates for whom I ask you to reconsider whether the fear of the public in Bosnia and Herzegovina is justified when it comes to their appointment as ministers in the FBiH Government. Bearing in mind the almost constant media criticism regarding the above-mentioned candidates, I ask that you initiate all the mechanisms of checking their credibility for the proposed functions,” stated Stojanović.

“Considering our political and coalition commitment to a new way of working and acting in the political life of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I find this a necessary request to you, as presidents of the political parties-coalition partners that make up the parliamentary majority in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the aim of democratic changes that will bring more competent candidates to perform the most important executive functions in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he wrote.

(FENA) A. B.

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