News in English     | 28.03.2023. 13:52 |

Konaković in Skopje: A5 is one of the most important regional cooperation mechanisms

FENA Press release, Photo: MVPBiH

SKOPJE, March 28 (FENA) - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Elmedin Konaković is participating today in an informal ministerial meeting of the Partnership Commission of the US-Adriatic Charter (A5) in Skopje.

The meeting, which is held within the framework of the presidency of the Republic of North Macedonia in the US-Adriatic Charter (A5), discusses the security situation, the war in Ukraine, regional cooperation and the future of A5.

In his address, Konaković pointed out that after twenty years since the launch of the US-Adriatic Charter, the commitment to the "principle of partnership", which was the first principle of the Charter signed in 2003, has always been significant and visible and today it is more necessary than ever.

He assessed that our joint efforts through this framework of cooperation contributed significantly to the promotion of NATO's Open Door Policy and the strengthening of cooperation and mutual support for our aspirations for EU membership. He emphasized that the Charter partners have firmly committed themselves in areas such as democratic reforms and the creation of conditions for NATO membership. He added that Bosnia and Herzegovina has made great strides on this path.

“Today we face new tasks and challenges. A5 is one of the most important regional cooperation mechanisms. The world is facing new security challenges and circumstances, seemingly quite vague and pessimistic, and yet these very circumstances confirm and reiterate the importance of joint work, understanding, cooperation and mutual assistance,” said BiH Foreign Minister and added that there is no alternative for the region other than entering EU.

He assessed that the European perspective of the region is an instrument of preservation and expansion of peace, stability and prosperity for all countries of Southeast Europe.

Bosnia and Herzegovina became a full member of the US-Adriatic Charter (A5) in 2008 and since then has been actively participating in this forum, which represents a regional framework for defense and security cooperation, announced the Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

(FENA) A. B.

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