News in English     | 16.02.2023. 10:48 |

Our Party: SDP and NiP unofficially support Nihad Uk for SC Prime Minister

FENA Alma Zukanović, Photo: Harun Muminović

SARAJEVO, February 16 (FENA) - The Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SDP) and the People and Justice Party (NiP) have already unofficially supported Our Party's proposal that Nihad Uk be appointed as the Prime Minister of the Sarajevo Canton, Our Party told FENA.

They pointed out that this proposal must be considered by the party bodies of their partners in power, but that there should not be any problems.

“Speaker of the SC Assembly, Elvedin Okerić, should appoint Uk as a prime minister-designate until February 25 and then he has one month to form the SC Government, which the SC Assembly will vote on. The names of all the ministers in the SC Government should be known in the next 15 days,” they clarified.

They add that they will also sign the principles on the government formation at the SC level, which are in the final stage, as well as the program.

A delegate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in the SC Assembly, Irfan Čengić, considers it good that Our Party has finally proposed the name of a candidate for prime minister.

“I still believe that this position should have been filled by someone from SDP or NiP, but when they have already decided to leave that position to Our Party, I think that at this moment Our Party, apart from Sabina Čudić, has no better person for that position than Nihad Uk,” said Čengić for FENA.

He expects that the representatives of the coalition will soon officially agree on the name of the prime minister-designate because that process is taking too long.

“The citizens of Sarajevo Canton deserve a new Government that reflects their will expressed in the elections, anything else is a mockery of democracy,” said Čengić.

The General Secretary of Our Party, Nihad Uk, is the party's proposal for the mandate of the new Sarajevo Canton Government, the Cantonal Committee of Our Party decided.

In the General Elections of 2022, he was elected as a representative of Our Party in the Sarajevo Canton Assembly.

(FENA) A. B.

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