News in English     | 12.02.2023. 16:24 |

Panel discussion on the importance of investing in science

FENA Vernera Jakupović, Photo: Amer Kajmović

SARAJEVO, February 12 (FENA) - Although no one disputes the importance of science and scientific research, the appropriate institutional investment of money and other resources in this area has been neglected in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

The Women's Forum of the Cantonal Organization of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) organized a panel discussion in Sarajevo on the topic of "Budgeting scientific and research work", on the occasion of February 11, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
One of the participants of the event, Miroslav Živanović from the Center for Human Rights of the University of Sarajevo, told journalists that investment in science, although science by its nature is assumed to be a major social priority, is unfortunately not sufficiently funded by appropriate institutional efforts. He said the situation is relatively favorable at the University of Sarajevo, but the area is marginalized, and budgeting is problematic.  
Adla Kahrić, a scientist in the field of genetics and ecology, currently focused on research on marine biodiversity, says that engaging in scientific research is of primary interest to society and the community, not only for individual personal improvement.
"The state has to understand this, and we have to invest in scientific research," she said.
SDP BiH Cantonal Organization marks the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and the Forum of Left Initiative from Sarajevo and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation supported the organization of this event. 

(FENA) A. B.

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