News in English     | 06.02.2023. 20:25 |

Zvizdić - Hloben: Slovakia has always unconditionally supported BiH on its EU and NATO paths

FENA Press release, Photo:

SARAJEVO, February 6 (FENA) - Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Denis Zvizdić today received the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to BiH, Roman Hloben, on his inaugural visit and informed him about the current political situation after the October elections, with a special focus on the dynamic of the formation of the government on all levels. 

Zvizdić thanked Slovakia for its support to Bosnia and Herzegovina with the granting of candidate status and pointed out that Slovakia has always unconditionally supported the Euro-Atlantic path of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During the meeting, Chairman Zvizdić and Ambassador Hloben emphasized the importance of improving relations between the two friendly countries, especially in the fields of economy, business, tourism, education and culture.

At the end of the meeting, Chairman Zvizdić wished Ambassador Hloben a successful diplomatic mandate and a pleasant stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated Zvizdić's office.

(FENA) S. R.

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