News in English     | 03.02.2023. 17:24 |

Bećirović and Maryland officials speak about new US support package for the BiH defense system

FENA Press release, Photo:

SARAJEVO/ANNAPOLIS, February 3 (FENA) - Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Denis Bećirović, during his stay in the United States of America, visited the State of Maryland, where he spoke with the highest civil and military officials of this state, which is a partner of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of defense.

In the capital of Maryland, Annapolis, Bećirović pointed out the importance of bilateral cooperation between the BiH Ministry of Defense and the US defense institutions. It was emphasized that the very successful and intensive cooperation should be continued.

They discussed the implementation of various bilateral projects, primarily through the State Partnership Program with the State of Maryland.

In the past four years, the United States of America has donated 58 highly mobile multipurpose combat vehicles and other various equipment to the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dozens of members of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in military training and education programs at various levels in the United States of America.

The new US packages of support to the defense system of Bosnia and Herzegovina were discussed in Maryland, together with expressed willingness to strengthen the alliance with the United States of America and the State of Maryland, the BiH Presidency announced.

(FENA) S. R.

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