News in English     | 07.12.2022. 17:13 |

Cikotić at UNHCR conference on refugee protection

FENA Press release, Photo:

SARAJEVO, December 7 (FENA) - The Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Selmo Cikotić, is participating in the UNHCR conference on the challenges of protecting refugees, which is being held in Geneva, and is discussing the development of cooperation aimed at improving protection, inclusion and solutions for forcibly displaced and stateless persons.

The meeting comes at a time when global displacement is reaching unprecedented levels, and there is a need for more innovative approaches to finding sustainable solutions for people forced to flee.

Cikotić pointed out that the issue of refugees, displaced persons and stateless persons is not a matter of the past, but a challenge that we have been continuously facing for the past decades. He reiterated Bosnia and Herzegovina's determination to continue being a partner of United Nations agencies in finding solutions to challenges, both at the strategic and operational levels.

- Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the countries that has been exposed to increased migration pressure since 2017 and 110,000 irregular migrants have been registered so far. In view of the new global migration trends, Bosnia and Herzegovina expresses its readiness to actively participate in platforms that will enable not only emergency assistance in crisis situations on the ground, but also long-term activities aimed at humanitarian cooperation - said Cikotić, the Ministry of Security of BiH announced.

(FENA) L. N.

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