News in English     | 27.10.2022. 16:45 |

CEC BIH: Milorad Dodik will be the president, Duraković and Begić vice-presidents of RS

FENA Aida Kovač, Photo:

SARAJEVO, October 27 (FENA) - The Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina today, with six votes "for" and one "against", adopted the supplementary Decision on determining and publishing the results of the General Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2022, which refers to the president and vice president of the RS.

After the recount ordered by the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it was determined that Milorad Dodik, from the ranks of the Serb people, Ivan Begić from the Croat people and Ćamil Duraković from the Bosniak people won the most votes.

The President of the CEC BiH, Suad Arnautović, reminded that the CEC ordered a control count, and that the control of the recount in the Main Counting Center confirmed that the candidate Milorad Dodik from the Serb people, who was in the lead on October 10, still remained with the highest number of votes.

It was also said that the candidate Ćamil Duraković won the most votes from the Bosniak people, and Ivan Begić was the candidate with the most votes from the Croat people.

(FENA) S. R.

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