News in English     | 06.10.2022. 11:18 |

Diverse offer at this year's Diplomatic Winter Bazaar

FENA Press release, Photo:

SARAJEVO, October 6 (FENA) - This year's Diplomatic Winter Bazaar will be held at Skenderija Center in Sarajevo on December 3. 

Since 2019, the Diplomatic Winter Bazaar has been held online. This year, the organizing committee has decided to go back to the original form of the event, the organizers announced.

The embassies will have stands presenting and selling food and other items from around the world. Small traders will also present their products, there will also be events for families and much more.

The Diplomatic Winter Bazaar is a non-profit organization that raises funds to help children and young people throughout BiH who are facing difficult financial situation, orphans, children with physical and mental disabilities, etc.

The 2022 Organizing Committee volunteers include Gry Reinertsen (Norway), Anna Jewell (IMF), Tatiana Chontzaisa Papandreou (Greece), Tania Messerli (Switzerland), Piet Bakker (The Netherlands), and Madeline Ben Atiković.



(FENA) A. B.

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