News in English     | 18.02.2022. 18:09 |

British Parliament MP, Alicia Kearns becomes a new patron of BH UK Network

FENA Press release, Photo:

SARAJEVO, February 18 (FENA) - A community of BiH associations in the UK - Bosnia & Herzegovina UK Network (BH UK Network) announced today that an MP Alicia Kearns has accepted their offer to be a patron of the BH UK Network.

Alicia Kearns je članica Konzervativne partije Velike Britanije i predsjednica svestranačke parlamentarne grupe za Bosnu i Hercegovinu u Britanskom parlamentu, a nedavno je prisustvovala mirovnom skupu podrške za BiH  u Bosanskoj kući gdje su je dočekali i poželili joj dobrodošlicu bh. građani. 

Alicia Kearns is a member of the Conservative Party of Great Britain and the president of the all-party parliamentary group for Bosnia and Herzegovina in the British Parliament, and she recently attended a peace rally in support of BiH at the Bosnian House, where she was welcomed by citizens of BiH origin in that country. 

On that occasion, BH UK Network awarded Kearns on behalf of all BHi citizens in the UK to thank her for everything she has been doing in the British Parliament to bring information to the British government and the public about the seriousness of the political crisis in BiH and the Western Balkans. Kearns gave full support to the activities of the BH UK Network and accepted the offer to be their patron.

"I accept the award not because I deserve it, but as a promise that I will continue to fight. I do not apologize for being emotional, but this is also a sign of my determination and my privilege to be here. The strength of all of you and the Bosnian community is that we refuse to be silenced, we refuse to be intimidated and we refuse not to stand for decency, kindness and peace. This award is a great honor, but it is also a promise and determination, we will be with you and I want you to know that the Parliament stands with you," said Kearns.

(FENA) S. R.

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