News in English     | 15.10.2021. 12:21 |

Dodik: We do not want to undermine the territorial integrity of BiH

FENA Senka Trgovčević

SARAJEVO, October 15 (FENA) - BiH Presidency member Milorad Dodik commented on the current political situation in the country after a meeting with Austrian Federal Minister for European and Foreign Affairs Michael Linhart.  

“It was an opportunity to acquaint him with the situation in BiH. We believe that all these diplomats have a good briefing, but it is important that they hear from us how things stand. We in the Republika Srpska do not intend to undermine the territorial integrity of BiH, but we have a very determined intention to return the sovereignty given by the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement to the Republika Srpska and we will do that. That is not equal to endangering the territorial integrity of BiH,” said Dodik. 

He underlined that there is no unity in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that BiH has never been united.

He referred to the Armed Forces of BiH, stating that they represent the most common expense and according to him, the situation of the Armed Forces is miserable.

“They do not have any equipment, it is better to use that money for the construction of two or three hospitals a year in BiH,” said Dodik.

Speaking about possible meetings, he emphasized that no one had invited him for a conversation yet, not even Bakir Izetbegović, although there were some public claims.

“If someone invites me, I will answer. Izetbegović can come on Monday before or after the session of the Presidency,” said Dodik.

(FENA) A. B.

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