News in English     | 10.07.2021. 13:41 |

'Women in Black' from Belgrade - We will never forget the genocide in Srebrenica

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, July 10 (FENA) - The "Women in Black" organization from Belgrade on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica today from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm are organizing standing still in black and silence on the Republic Square in Belgrade.

On that occasion, together with the art groups "Škart" and "Dah teatar", a performance titled "Srebrenica - the name of genocide" will be performed, the CURE Foundation announced.

"Women in Black" reminds that the genocide in Srebrenica is the biggest war crime after the Second World War in Europe, and that Slobodan Milošević's regime is an accomplice in the genocide by providing huge political, military and logistical-financial assistance to the Army of Republika Srpska.

This NGO notes that the Hague Tribunal has, without a doubt, proven the individual criminal responsibility of a large number of members of Serbian armed formations and political institutions that acted in the spirit of the territorial project of "Greater Serbia", and the genocide in Srebrenica was part of that project.

"Women in Black" demand recognition of genocide in Srebrenica, primarily as respect for the dignity of victims, and not just as one of the preconditions on Serbia's path to EU accession, that denying genocide and all crimes against humanity and war crimes be qualified as a crime, and that the President and all other representatives of the state stop denying genocide and all other war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond.

"Women in Black" also demand that the state of Serbia abandon its policy of provoking regional instability - by interfering in the internal affairs of neighboring countries, primarily Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.

(FENA) S. R.

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