News in English     | 16.06.2021. 12:40 |

BiH Council of Ministers determines the Bill on Customs Offenses of BiH

FENA Press release

SARAJEVO, June 16 (FENA) - The Council of Ministers of BiH determined the Bill on Customs Offenses of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will be sent to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH for consideration under the urgent legislative procedure.
This law defines the actions that constitute customs offenses, perpetrators of offenses, sanctions and protective measures, and its main goal is to ensure compliance with the laws and bylaws of the customs legislation of BiH.
As it was announced after the BiH CoM session, the reason for passing the new law on customs offenses of Bosnia and Herzegovina is to harmonize this area with the provisions of the new Law on Customs Policy in BiH and the provisions of the new Decision on Implementation of the Law on Customs Policy in BiH, whose application begins on July 1, 2021.
The bill does not prescribe the collection of a fine on the spot, which exists in the currently valid law, but in the case when a fixed fine is prescribed for a misdemeanor, the issuance of a misdemeanor order is envisaged.

(FENA) A. B.

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