News in English     | 28.04.2021. 19:59 |

BiH PA adopts Amendments to Law on Civil Procedure before the Court of BiH

FENA Aida Kovač

SARAJEVO, April 28 (FENA) - The House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina today adopted the Bill on Amendments to the Law on Civil Procedure before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, proposed by the Council of Ministers, which enables better witness protection.
The amendments harmonize the Law on Civil Procedure in BiH and the Law on Protection of Threatened and Vulnerable Witnesses and enable witnesses who testify under protection measures in criminal proceedings to continuously protect their identities during the subsequent initiation of civil proceedings for damages.
It is a systemic law that will provide an improved legal framework for the protection of the rights of victims who have testified in criminal proceedings, including proceedings related to war crimes, organized crime or human trafficking.
The Bill on amendments to the Law on the Council of Ministers of BiH, proposed by MPs Mirjana Marinković-Lepić and Aida Baručija, will be sent to the Collegium for approval, because it did not receive the required entity majority from Republika Srpska.
The annual report of the Central Bank of BiH for 2020 did not receive the required entity majority of votes from the BiH entity Republika Srpska, and was sent to the Collegium of the House for approval.
The House of Representatives appointed Vlado Rogić as a member of the Central Election Commission of BiH from the Croat people, based on the submitted ranking list of the Commission for the election and appointment of members of the Central Election Commission.

(FENA) A. B.

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